Se presentan resultados del seguimiento de la pesquería de invertebrados marinos y de manglar durante el 2018. El desembarque de estos invertebrados (277,1 t), incrementó en 74,7% con respecto al 2017, capturándose 31 especies, destacando: calamar gigante o pota Dosidicus gigas (93,1 t), ostra Striostrea prismatica (43,2 t), cangrejo del manglar Ucides occidentalis (31,4 t), langostinos blancos (Penaeus vannamei, P. occidentalis, P. stylirostris) (29,0 t) y el langostino café P. californiensis (24,2 t). Mayor desembarque se efectuó en Puerto Pizarro (79,7 t) y Zorritos (63,3 t). A partir de agosto, se registró información de Puerto 25, uno de los principales lugares de desembarque de recursos del manglar. La flota efectuó 17.244 viajes; la cortinera de trasmallo presentó el mayor esfuerzo (8.418 viajes) y la arrastrera logró mayor CPUE (0,058 t.viaje-1); la pinta obtuvo 2,1 t.viaje-1 en CPUE, no operando durante todo el año. Según especie, el mayor esfuerzo correspondió a langostinos blancos (5.730 viajes) y mayor CPUE a pota (0,78 t.viaje-1) y langostino café (0,073 t.viaje-1) que se capturó en siete meses del año. Se registró 73,2% de ejemplares de concha negra con talla ilegal (
ABSTRACT: Our results obtained during the 2018 monitoring of the marine and mangrove invertebrate fisheries showed that their landing totaled 277.1 t, with an increase of 74.7% compared with the previous year. A total of 31 species were caught: jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas (93.1 t), rock oyster Striostrea prismatica (43.2 t), mangrove ghost crab Ucides occidentalis (31.4 t), white shrimps (Penaeus vannamei, P. occidentalis, P. stylirostris) (29.0 t), and the brown shrimp P. californiensis (24.2 t), among others. Puerto Pizarro and Zorritos were the places where the largest landings occurred with 79.7 t and 63.3 t, respectively. Information from Puerto 25, one of the main landing sites for mangrove resources, was recorded from August onwards. The fleet made 17,244 trips. The gillnetter (trammel net) made the greatest effort (8,418 trips) and the trawler achieved the highest CPUE (0.058 trip-1 t), while the handline obtained a CPUE of 2.1 trip-1 t, not operating throughout the year. By species, the highest effort corresponded to white prawns (5,730 trips) and the highest CPUE to jumbo flying squid (0.78 trip-1 t) and brown shrimp (0.073 trip-1 t), which were caught in seven months of the year. We recorded 73.2% of black ark specimens with illegal size (